Wow, that’s a great question! It all comes down to what pickup trucks are designed to do—carry heavy loads in the back. Rear-wheel drive on pickup trucks also ensures that the back of the truck keeps traction with the ground when the bed isn’t full of heavy cargo.
If a pickup truck has front-wheel drive, the back wheels easily lose traction when the bed of the truck is empty (and lighter)—and the truck becomes much harder to control as a result.
Front-wheel drive on a truck can also cause excessive damage to the front wheels and consequently places unnecessary wear and tear on the whole truck.
If you’re worried about keeping your truck in good condition, consider a reliable car insurance
policy with Jerry. Jerry
is not an insurance provider, but a licensed broker
and super app that matches you with the nation’s top providers. Choosing the right car insurance policy on the app is simple—we’ll always provide you with personalized quotes come every policy renewal and there are no hidden fees. That’s right, shopping for car insurance using the Jerry app is quick, easy, and totally free!