West Virginia does have the option for a hardship license. However, it comes with more requirements than other states.
In order to have consideration for a hardship license, you must qualify for the West Virginia Alcohol Test and Lock Program.
This program requires the driver to have an ignition interlock (breathalyzer) and camera in all the vehicles they own or drive. Additional stipulations for this program include:
Only alcohol DUIs are considered; drug-related DUIs are not eligible.
The driver cannot have another type of license suspension in West Virginia or any other state.
The driver must complete a Safety and Treatment program within the first 60 days of the beginning of the Alcohol Test and Lock Program.
The driver must be at least 18 years old.
When you get to court, have your lawyer bring up this option to see if you meet all of the requirements for both programs. If the judge grants you a hardship license, it will allow you to drive to and from work and school, and nowhere else.
Keep in mind that if you violate any of the rules set in place, the hardship license will be revoked and they will extend the suspension on your driver’s license
. In addition, West Virginia has a lifetime license revocation in which consideration to reinstate the license will only be examined after ten years.
While a hardship license is a good way for you to get to school and work, it does come with heightened insurance rates. If your new rates are out of reach for your budget, try using the Jerry
app. Jerry does the hard work of comparing rates from the nation’s top providers and delivers the best deals to your phone in minutes. You’re facing a tough situation, but there’s always ways to make it through. Good luck.