“Tell your husband that as usual, his wife is correct!
All humor aside, you are required to have your driver’s license with you when driving a car. You should always have a picture ID handy for identification purposes in the event of an accident.
This situation is very subjective and the outcome may depend on the police officer. Here are some possible outcomes:
The police office gives you a written or verbal warning.
The police officer issues a ticket only for what you were pulled over for and a verbal warning about forgetting your license.
The police officer gives you a ticket for both the moving violation and for not having your license.
If you are in this situation, the best course of action is to calmly and politely explain the situation to the officer and hope for the best. If you do end up getting a ticket, be aware that your insurance rates may increase.
One way to save money on insurance is to download the free comparison app, Jerry
. Jerry shops for competitive rates with over 50 companies and delivers the lowest prices to your phone. Jerry also has a great feature that allows you to upload photos and documentation to view in the app whenever they are needed. This would be a secure place to store a picture of your driver’s license just in case.”