“In Pennsylvania, six or more points on your driving record requires corrective action from the state. Since you currently only have five points, you won’t face any consequences.
However, if you receive another ticket with points attached to it, you will receive notice from the state. This notice will require you to take a written special point examination.
Should you reach six points again in the future, you’ll have to attend a Departmental hearing with the state. From there, further accumulation of points can result in license suspension.
Beyond issues with the state, you can also face high car insurance
rates. As car insurance companies look at your driving record, having points on your license can cause a rate increase. The only way to reduce this risk is to avoid getting any more tickets. As your points age, they should begin to fall off your record. This typically takes about three to five years. Your car insurance rates will also start to decrease. If you want a better rate for your insurance even if you have points, shop around using the Jerry
app. Sign up in minutes to compare quotes from over 40 insurers so you always get the best rate possible.”