It’s frustrating when you pay all of this money to replace your tires and get an alignment, only to suddenly encounter a huge safety issue like this. A radial tire pull, also referred to as a conical tire pull, is dangerous to try to fix. Despite what you may read online, this problem cannot be fixed with tire hacks or any gimmicky rituals.
Radial tire pull is a manufacturing defect in the tire itself, so don’t worry; you didn’t do anything wrong. It happens because the tire’s internal components misalign during the curing process. This leaves the tire with a sort of cone shape, and that, in turn, makes the car pull to one side when you’re driving.
Your tire’s warranty should fully cover a conical pull issue. You’ll want to notify them as soon as possible. You can also try calling the repair shop or dealership that installed the tire. They might be able to help speed up the warranty process or even offer warranty coverage themselves.
What you don’t want to do is listen to random forum posters or people on Reddit who suggest that you can fix it at home. Messing with camber angles, reducing tire pressure on one side, or the other things they recommend can get dangerous fast!
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