This is a complicated answer, but in short, some electric vehicles are speed capped.
Electric vehicles
are allowing us to put the pedal to the metal with less consequence. Did you know that cars with an internal combustion engine can only go up to 55 mph before emitting C02 into the atmosphere? As it turns out, the faster you drive, the more gas you’ll burn, causing unwanted damage to the environment. Electric cars do not have this problem, so they have one less reason for a speed cap. However, recently some countries have begun to discuss if the speed of electric cars should be determined by how fast they should go instead of how fast they can go.
Still, some dangers come with driving at higher speeds, so countries in the European Union have already implemented a speed cap requirement in electric vehicles for 2022 forward.
A speed cap looks like this:
A digital speed limit warning inside of the vehicle.
Followed by accelerator resistance if the driver continues to speed.
Then a capped speed preventing the car from going any faster.
While efforts to reduce accidents are virtuous, there is a lot of conversation surrounding the loss of public freedom to decide for themselves.
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