To replace the power steering fluid in your 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee, start by locating the power steering fluid reservoir—a white container with a black lid on the far right-hand side of the engine bay. Drain the old fluid and then add some fresh power steering fluid.
Power steering fluid is a vital component In your steering system that makes it easier to handle and control your vehicle. When power steering fluid goes bad, your steering wheel will begin to stiffen up and it could cause serious damage if left unchanged.
In this article, brought to you by Jerry
, the #1 super app for saving money on car insurance
, we'll walk you through every step of changing the power steering in your 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Here’s everything you need to know—from what fluid to use to where to find the reservoir, and we’ll add in how to save some money on Jeep Grand Cherokee car insurance
in the process. How do I replace my 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee’s power steering fluid?
Changing your power steering fluid is one of the simplest parts of routine car maintenance
. Before you begin, you'll need some fresh power steering fluid, a sealable container to store the old fluid, and an all-purpose fluid transfer pump
. If you don't have a fluid pump, you can pick one up at most major retailers for about $9. Once you have everything you need, just follow these steps:
Locate the power steering reservoir. You can find it on the right-hand side of the engine bay, just in front of the driver’s seat. It's a white plastic container with a black lid.
Remove the cap and insert a pump into the reservoir. Your fluid transfer pump will have a hose attached. Insert that hose into the reservoir.
Pump the old power steering fluid out of the reservoir. Have a sealable container ready to store the old fluid
Refill the reservoir with new fluid and replace the cap.
And that's it! Just like that you’ve successfully changed your power steering fluid! Congratulations!
As simple as this project is, it still might be more hands-on work than some Jeep owners prefer to do. If that's the case for you, you can always take your Jeep to a mechanic and have a professional do the job for you
Should I change it myself or take it to a mechanic?
While you can easily change your power steering fluid yourself, professional mechanics do a more complete flush of your steering fluid system by disconnecting the fluid lines and draining every last drop of fluid. That way, no old fluid remains and more of the fluid in your system ends up being fresh.
However, if you change your power steering fluid yourself, you'll save about $120—which is the average price that mechanics charge for the project.
Which power steering fluid is best for a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee?
Many power steering fluids should work for your car as long as you make sure it’s compatible with Jeeps. Here are a few of the best steering fluid options for the 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee:
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Peak Full Synthetic North American | | |
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4.7/5 rating on the App Store | Trusted by 5+ million customers and 7 million cars 4.7/5 app rating | Trusted by 5M+ drivers When do I need to replace my 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee’s power steering fluid?
In general, you should replace your power steering fluid every 3 to 4 years or every 30,000 miles—whichever comes first.
You may need to change the steering fluid ahead of schedule. Keep an eye out for any of the following symptoms—if you notice them you'll probably need to replace your power steering:
Screeching noises whenever you turn the wheel
Leaking power steering fluid
Bubbles and/or debris in your steering fluid
How to save money on Jeep insurance
Handling simple routine maintenance tasks, such as changing your power steering fluid, is a great way to cut back on your car-related expenses. Another good money-saving strategy is to regularly review your car insurance policy.
Of course, a detailed insurance review is a time-consuming and tedious process—or at least it used to be. Now, there’s a simple and easy way to do your car insurance review in just a few minutes!
All you have to do is download the automated insurance broker app
, Jerry. It’s a cutting-edge super app that instantly gathers and compares dozens of customized quotes from the top providers, evaluates each one, and sends you the very best results—all in just 45 seconds! Then, all you have to do is choose your favorite one and Jerry
will handle getting your coverage switched over to the new provider. The best part? Jerry users save an average of $800+ per year! “This app is all about savings! Jerry just saved me $193/month on my car insurance. They literally found me the cheapest policies out there and with better coverage! Seriously, just sit back and watch Jerry
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