Why your car windows are fogging up on the outside depends on the temperature and humidity level.
Car windows fog up when there’s a temperature and humidity difference between the environments inside and outside of your car.
Whichever side of your windshield has the warmer air is usually the one where condensation will form. If your car windows are fogging up on the outside of your windshield, that probably means the air outside is warmer than inside your car. That could be the case if you’re running your air conditioning on hot, muggy summer days.
To keep your car windows from fogging up on the outside, use your windshield wipers to clear away the condensation. To keep it from coming back, you’ll need the conditions inside and outside of your vehicle to be similar, which might mean turning off your air conditioning (or just letting it run warmer) or opening your windows.
Why are my car windows fogging up on the outside? The problem might seem like an annoyance, but it’s also a potential safety issue. Car windows fogging up will affect your visibility while you’re driving, which could put you at risk of getting into a collision.
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