You’re far from alone on that one! That said, funds from tolls do cover important costs. Texas toll money goes toward:
The continued maintenance of toll roads
Funding for future expansions or additional improvements
Repayment of bonds used to construct the toll roads
For better or worse, it’s the toll authorities who decide how much you pay when you pass through toll roads—and unless some drastic change takes place, most Texas toll roads are likely to be around for the long haul, because there’s plenty of debt to pay off.
For example, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA), for example, has $9.5 billion in borrowed funds to repay, which isn’t set to be paid off until 2049.
So while there’s no getting around the costs that come with driving on many of Texas’s toll roads, you can often find savings by setting up a toll tag with the proper tolling authority, which tends to cost less and allows you to prepay tolls for one or multiple vehicles.