Congrats on your big move! You won’t be expected to retake your driving test when moving from one state to another. Retaking the driving test is typically reserved for those who have failed the test in the past.
If you’ve failed the test and are looking to retake it, check with your state’s DMV to find out if there’s a mandated waiting period before you can try again.
For licensed drivers relocating to a new state, you’ll also want to do your research. When you transfer your driver’s license, you must follow the guidelines that have been decided by whichever state you move to.
For example, states like New York require new residents to take the vision portion of the test only. If you move to Oregon or Illinois, you’ll be expected to take the DMV-issued written test in order to get a state license there.
As you get settled in your new home state, you’ll also want to think about whether you’re getting the lowest rate on car insurance
where you live. With
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