There are times when an insurance company can report the wrong claims information under your name. As frustrating as that can be, you can definitely find your prior claims history in order to resolve this!
Ask Progressive
what exact date they are showing for the accidents, and if they can provide you with any additional information. Then you will want to get in touch with the insurance company you were with at the time of the supposed accident.. Let them know of the situation and ask for a claims-free letter. This is a letter they can provide showing that you have been claims-free when you had the policy with them.
You should also ask your prior carrier to update the CLUE report to correct your driving record going forward. CLUE is a reporting database all car insurance
companies use that collects prior accident and claim information. Keep in mind there is a chance that someone did file a claim against you at that time and if your insurance company were not able to contact you, they would have paid the claim. If this is the case, the driving history will remain.
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