Uber drivers in Illinois
make an average of $31,000 a year. Illinois Uber drivers are among some of the least well-paid rideshare drivers in the country. Your salary as an Uber driver partially depends upon where you live. In big cities like Chicago, you’ll earn more as a rideshare driver (closer to $39,000 per year on average)—but you’re also in competition with the public transit system and the taxis. In rural Illinois, there may not be as much demand for Uber.
The good news is that you can always tweak your strategy to earn more while driving Uber.
Start by figuring out the busiest times in your area. Uber helps you by setting surge pricing during peak times. It might be rush hour when commuters need a lift, or it might be 2 AM when bar-hoppers need a safe way to get home. Maybe there’s an airport nearby and you could target travelers.
Remember not to drive around looking for people who need rides. That’s a waste of fuel and it doesn’t usually lead to more work, according to experienced Uber drivers.
Finally, think carefully about your financial situation. While $31,000 is only slightly under the rate of a living wage in Illinois, your take-home salary will be far less than this figure. You need to pay for your own gas, vehicle maintenance, personal car insurance
, and taxes.