Uber drivers in Dayton, Ohio earn an average yearly salary of around $36,500. Per ride, Dayton Uber drivers pocket about $11.70.
However, the yearly salary above is based solely on drivers who drive between 20 and 28 hours per week. If you can fit more driving hours into your schedule, you’ll be able to earn more. And, on the flipside, if you drive less, you’ll earn less.
Driving for Uber full time (meaning for 40 hours per week; you’ll still be paid and report your earnings to the I.R.S. as an independent contractor) can earn you upwards of $50,000 per year, and driving between 10 and 15 hours will put you closer to the $25,000 to $30,000 range.
But it’s not how many hours you drive; it’s also about when you drive. You’ll earn quite a bit more if you head to the local Dayton bar areas on a Friday night to give bar patrons a safe ride home than you would be waiting for someone to need a ride on a Tuesday morning.
Regardless of when and where you drive, we’d strongly recommend that you phone (or email, or send a carrier pigeon) to your car insurance
provider and inquire about adding rideshare coverage
to your policy. If the event that you need to file a claim
with your insurance provider and they discover that you’ve been using your vehicle to transport good and/or passengers, you may not be covered.