Congrats on getting your permit! You’re asking a great question. Checking your blind spots is a hugely important component of being a competent driver—and passing your driver’s license test.
To check a blind spot while driving, look in your side-view mirror, then quickly turn your head 90 degrees to look over your shoulder through the side windows behind you. This process is the same whether you are checking your blind spot on the right or left side of your vehicle.
Checking your blind spot is an imperative step for making turns or lane changes. If a driver, bike rider, or pedestrian is in your blind spot, you may not see them in your side-view mirrors. So, turning your head is the best way to make sure the coast is clear ahead of making your move.
Some cars have blind-spot monitors, but note that it’s still important to stay in the habit of manually checking your blind spot, too. Your driving instructor will require it!
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