“As much as you love them, kids are messy! Thankfully, most parts of the Nuna RAVA car seat covers are machine washable.
You can wash the following RAVA parts on delicate, using cold water, and mild detergent:
To clean other parts of the car seat, you can wipe down any plastic, vinyl, and metal parts with a damp sponge or soft cloth. If you’d like a deeper clean, considering using something non-toxic and child safe. Vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaner without any chemicals.
Beyond keeping their car seat clean, be sure you have the proper car insurance
protection. Even the safest drivers can get into an accident. By having thorough protection, you’re ensuring the safety and wellbeing of your child. If you’d like help finding the best car insurance policy, try using the Jerry
app. Jerry gathers personalized rates from up to 50 providers and delivers the best deals to your phone in minutes for free. Good luck cleaning–and actually keeping–the car seat clean!”