Gaps can happen in any vehicle, and there are many potential causes. The most likely fix for car panel gaps in the door is to tighten the hinges.
One of the most likely causes of panel gaps is an issue with the door’s hinges. You’ll have to loosen the hinge bolts, reposition the door, then retighten the bolts.
To reach the hinges, you’ll need to remove the fender on whichever side of the car you’re working on. Then, you’ll need to loosen the bolts under the dash.
After the fender is removed and all six bolts are loosed, you can tighten the door hinges. Push the door shut and align it how you want. Once you have it in place, tighten the bolts that were beneath the fender. This will help keep the door where you want it while you finish tightening the four interior bolts.
Put your fender back on, and the gap in your door should be as good as new!
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