Dealing with insurance after an accident can be frustrating. Luckily, you can find out if someone else’s car is insured by asking the police, the DMV, or your provider.
If you contact the police, you’ll need to give a statement about the accident—including as much information about the other driver and vehicle as possible. You’ll also need to provide a verifiable reason for requesting another person’s information. Otherwise, they won’t release it to you.
Your local DMV can also help you in this situation. However, you’ll need to give them your contact information and the reason for your request. The DMV may deny your request if you provide inaccurate or outdated details. Make sure your paperwork is meticulous before you file your request.
Since you have the license plate number, your insurance company can actually run the number to find the other driver’s insurance information. While your provider can be intimidating, this is why you pay them. Plus, they want the other driver to pay for the damage, so they won’t have to!
If your provider’s being uncooperative, explore your other options with the Jerry
app. A licensed broker, Jerry can help you find and compare quotes from over 50 top providers in minutes. When you find a plan you like—Jerry can help you switch policies and cancel your old one!