Selling car insurance or other types of insurance is a fulfilling career for many individuals, so you may find that you love doing it!
To start selling car insurance
, you first need to get licensed. To determine what the license requirements are, check with your state’s Department of Insurance. Since the state regulates car insurance, every state has different requirements for licensure. In most states, you have to take a course that will prepare you for the insurance exam. Typically the course needs to be a certain amount of hours, for example, 40 hours of work.
Once you pass the course, register to take the insurance exam. If you pass, you can apply for your license. Some states may require additional information with your application, like fingerprints or certification of citizenship.
You can complete these steps on your own, but many people opt to get a job with an insurance agency first. Insurance is a popular career path and many car insurance companies and insurance agencies pay for their entry-level employees to become licensed. If you’re interested, look into job listings for insurance agencies in your area. The listing should list any requirements, experience, and whether they’ll help you gain a license.
If you want to grasp some of the ideas of how car insurance works, check out Jerry
. Jerry is an online insurance broker that showcases the latest advancement in how people obtain insurance. By looking over the website, you can gather a better understanding of car insurance and find out if it’s the right career path for you.