at 18, you need to own your own vehicle. Most states and car insurance companies require that the registered owner of a vehicle is also one seeking insurance on it. If you don’t own the car you drive, you can’t typically insure it. If you own your car, you can insure it with no problems.
is often difficult. When determining a rate for an insured, car insurance companies look at your age and driving history. As a young driver, you have less experience and are riskier to insure.
To get insurance, you’ll want to shop around. You can request
from various companies to see what the best rate for you would be. By comparison shopping with multiple companies, you may be able to find a car insurance rate you can afford. If you’re having difficulty finding a policy, you can see if a family member would add you to their car insurance.
Jerry partners with more than 50 insurance companies, but our content is independently researched, written, and fact-checked by our team of editors and agents. We aren’t paid for reviews or other content.