I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve got a bee problem. Bees can be a serious issue, especially if you’re allergic. I understand why you want to figure out how bees are getting into your house.
Unfortunately, bees are pretty good at getting inside houses. The warmth makes your home an attractive place for them to nest. They can sneak in under your doors, down your chimney, or even small cracks in your exterior walls.
Bees are attracted to places that smell like honey. The bad news is that after you have had one beehive in your house, bees will be able to smell trace hints of honey for a long time. The result is that the more times bees set up shop in your house, the more likely they are to do so again. It is a bit of a snowball effect.
That’s what makes it so important to identify how bees are getting inside and put a stop to it. Here are some ways bees can get into your house:
Through small holes in your exterior woodwork such as window frames and trim
By flying down your chimney
Through cracks in the exterior walls of your house—once they’re inside your walls, they can reach most areas of your house
If you regularly have bees in your home, it could be a liability. If a guest is allergic and gets stung, your homeowners’ liability insurance
may have to pay for their medical expenses. Some policies will cover these expenses, but some will not. Periodically compare home insurance rates to make sure you have all the coverage you need and that you’re not overpaying. The best and fastest way to compare policies and rates is with the insurance super-app Jerry
. Download the free app and Jerry will have quotes from top providers for you to choose from in as little as 45seconds!