There could be a number of reasons why your driver’s side window won’t stay open. Fixing windows that won’t stay open depends on the problem with them.
It’s possible your window might have gotten slightly off its tracks. To help it realign, you can try rolling down your window all the way, holding it there for a few seconds, then rolling it up and holding the button there for a few seconds. Giving your car door a slam (just not too hard!) can help move the window back into place, too.
It could also be possible that your window switch, window motor, or another component is starting to fail. If after some troubleshooting your window still won’t stay open, you should probably have a mechanic, who knows how to fix windows that won’t stay open, take a look.
Hopefully, this ends up being an easy fix for you! Regardless of how it goes, if you’re looking for another easy
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