That certainly sounds like a conversation you don’t want to have again! Fortunately, you can get a title loan without the car, but you need to find a lender who does not require a car inspection.
Title loans offer applicants 25% to 50% of the vehicle’s value, so most lenders require a car inspection before approval. However, some will accept photos instead. To find a willing lender and the best offer, shop around online, over the phone, or in person.
Keep in mind that car title loans often have a high APR
, and if you fail to pay, the lender can repossess your car. Alternatively, you could get some quick cash or amend the situation by:
Explaining the situation to your wife
Asking the seller if they have a financing option
Saving money on other expenses
Regardless of what you choose to do, saving money on other expenses can make your wife happy, especially if you can get that key on the cheap.
One expense people often overpay for is their car insurance
. To ensure you are getting the best rate and only purchasing the types of coverage
you need, download Jerry
. The Jerry app can collect quotes from 50+ top insurance companies, like Travelers, Nationwide, and Progressive, in seconds! They make switching easy, have agents ready to answer your questions, and even cancel your old policy once you’ve selected a new insurance policy. The average Jerry user saves $879 a year!