The current tax rate in Erie County, Ohio
, is 1.25%, meaning taxpayers can expect to pay around $1,721 a year for a home of median value. Property taxes are just a fact of life when you own a home—and because tax rates change year to year and from county to county, figuring out everything you need to know about paying your property taxes can turn into a big headache.
That’s why home and car insurance
brokerage app Jerry
put together this handy guide to help steer you through all the important details on paying property taxes in Erie County, including how and when to pay your taxes and how much you can expect to owe. Property tax 101
First, here’s a quick brush-up on the basics of property taxes:
You pay property taxes on real property. Think permanent things like land, a home, or a commercial building
A local government official (usually an appraiser) will determine the value of your property, which determines how much you owe in taxes
A city or county tax assessor will look at the current market rates and set a tax rate
Once taxes are collected, city and county governments will use those funds to pay for public services: libraries, schools, law enforcement, road maintenance, etc.
In short, property taxes are funds collected by local governments to fund services that people in the community need and use.
What is the property tax rate in Erie County?
Erie County’s current tax rate is 1.25% of a property’s assessed value. This is just a hair lower than the Ohio state average of 1.36%. On average, taxpayers in Erie County can expect to pay around $1,721 a year in property taxes.
More information about property tax rates can be found on the Erie County Auditor’s website
. How Erie County property taxes are determined
Under Ohio law, there are a few steps to determining how much citizens need to pay in property taxes.
First, an auditor will determine a fair market value for a property—basically what the property would sell for in the current market.
Tax rates in Ohio are determined by voters, meaning different counties may have voted to pass different bond issues or levies depending on the needs of their local communities. The state tax rate is determined with a few formulas:
Fair market value x 35% = Assessed value
(Assessed value x County tax rate)/1000 = Amount owed in property taxes
What do Hennepin County property taxes pay for?
Funds collected from property taxes are used to pay for public services for the community. In Erie County, property taxes are used for services like:
Law enforcement and emergency services
Alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services
Sanitation and recycling services
Road and infrastructure maintenance
MORE: How to deduct a car accident from your taxes
How to pay property taxes in Erie County
Property taxes in Erie County are due twice a year. The due dates are different depending on the type of property you have. For manufactured homes, taxes are due on March 23 and August 17. For all other property, taxes are due February 16 and July 13.
There are a few options for paying your taxes in Erie County. Taxpayers can submit payments online or pay over the phone. You can also drop your payment off in person. Here are more details:
Online: You can go online to the Erie County payment website
and enter jurisdiction code 4522. There is a small convenience fee for paying online. After you receive payment confirmation, keep it for your records. By phone: You can call 1-800-2PAY-TAX and follow the prompts to pay your taxes over the phone with a credit or debit card.
In person: Payments can be dropped off at the Erie County Treasurer’s Office located at 247 Columbus Ave., Suite 115, Sandusky OH, 44870. The Treasurer’s office is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am-4:00 pm.
How to save money on homeowners and car insurance in Ohio
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