To kill ant colonies in your lawn, you need to destroy their nests. Use a DIY treatment like soapy water or diatomaceous earth. Otherwise, hire a professional to apply insecticide.
Ants communities build hills that can be just a few inches wide or as large as several feet across. If you have ants in the yard, the best solution will depend on which size problem you face. It also depends on which type of ant you have.
If the ants are not causing you a ton of trouble, it might be best to learn to live with them. Ants eat the larvae of many other obnoxious lawn pests, thus protecting your grass. Ants also act as aerators, loosening the dirt around the grass to enhance growth and increase the tilth of the soil.
But owning a home means you have to make tough decisions. If you really need the ants gone, here’s a quick guide on how to kill an ant infestation in your yard—from home and car insurance
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. Types of ants
Did you know that there are more than 12,000 species of ants? The most common ants in North America that damage yards are field ants, farming ants, and army ants.
Field ants encompass multiple species. They are usually ¼-inch long and they can be brown, red, or black. Colonies of field ants build mounds and destroy grassroots.
Farming ants include a variety of species. They look similar to field ants but secrete hormones to attract other insects like aphids. Farming ants attract aphids that destroy your vegetation.
Army ants are mostly found in the Southern US. They are very small and may be dark brown and gold. Army ants have stingers. They swarm in the thousands and can decimate plants.
How ants destroy your yard
One of the most common ways that ants destroy your yard is by leaving dry and dead patches. Most yard ants are not the stinging type but they can destroy grassroots in large numbers.
Another way that ants can destroy your yard is by building hills or mounds in the grass. This creates a tripping and mowing hazard, not to mention a danger for curious kids and pets. Beneath each mound is a complex structure of tunnels and chambers.
Finally, ants create favorable environments for bugs like aphids and mealybugs. These secondary bugs can damage your plants by eating the foliage.
Having ants everywhere in your yard is usually okay! Ants are a normal part of the ecosystem, after all. However, swarms and large colonies may be causing serious damage.
How to control ants naturally
If you’re in the early stages of an ant infestation, rake their hills out weekly so they do not become mounds. You can also clear your yard of debris and mulches that could be attracting ants. Further discourage the ants by moving your compost and yard waste bins further away from the lawn.
If the ants have already taken over your yard, try one of these DIY solutions:
Spray a mixture of environmentally-friendly dish soap and water onto the mounds.
Pour boiling hot water on the mounds.
Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on and around the mounds.
Spray a mixture of sugar water and Borax onto the mounds.
To keep ants away in the future, consider buying some ant-repellent plants. Ants hate anything aromatic, so try lining your lawn with chili, peppermint, lavender, and other fragrant herbs.
How to kill ant colonies in your lawn with chemicals
Using chemicals on your lawn is the last resort but it may be necessary if you’re facing a dangerous situation.
To kill ant colonies in the lawn, you will need to apply insecticide. Choose between granular or spray treatments. You can either apply it as a spot treatment to the mounds or cover a larger area.
You may need 1-2 gallons of insecticide per ant mound.
Here’s how to kill an ant infestation in your yard with insecticide:
Keep pets and children away for 12 hours.
Irrigate after, if using a granular form.
Ant baits are another option. They are slower acting and a better choice for small colonies that may get larger.
If you’re not familiar with chemical lawn treatment, you should hire a professional. You don’t want to destroy your lawn or damage other plants!
Does home insurance cover pest removal?
No, home insurance does not usually cover pest removal.
Insurance companies tend to view vermin and pests as the responsibility of the policyholder. Yard maintenance falls under the “regular maintenance” obligation of the homeowner. In other words, pests are seen as preventable since you should be performing regular upkeep on your yard.
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