“No, refinancing doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re starting your car loan over.
For example, you say you’ve been making payments for 27 months. Let’s say that you started with a 60-month loan, so you’d still have 33 months to pay.
When you refinance the loan, you don’t have to start back at 60 months unless you want to. Most lenders will require a refinancing that’s in 6- or 12-month increments.
So in your case, you’d probably refinance for a 36-month loan. However, you’re more than welcome to take out a 24-month loan or another 60-month loan. The choice is yours.
Don’t think of it as starting over. In many cases, you’ll save tons of money over the life of the loan and can choose a loan term
that fits your needs, goals, and financial situation. You can save money on car insurance, too.
Since you’re looking to refinance your car, you may want to take a look at your insurance rates. You can use a handy tool like the free Jerry
app to help you find cheaper car insurance.”