If you decide to get a car loan
first, it will impact your credit score negatively, but not necessarily enough to disqualify you from a mortgage. When you get a car loan, your score will drop for three reasons:
Hard inquiry on your credit report
Reduced average age of your credit as a whole
Increase in your credit utilization ratio
If you add these up, you’re probably looking at a 20 to 30 point drop in your credit score. However, this isn’t a deal-breaker for getting a mortgage, unless you’re planning to do them in quick succession.
Since the initial hit to your credit score is only temporary, all you need to do is make your loan payments on time and build back your credit to qualify for a good mortgage.
If you’re wanting to buy a house right now and you’re not just browsing, you may want to buy the home first. Again, a 30-point hit to your credit score from taking out a car loan may impact your chances of getting a mortgage, depending on your other financial qualifications.
If you decide to purchase the car first, make sure to budget and shop for the right car insurance
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