No one likes to see that dreaded Check Engine light pop up on their dashboard! But good for you for trying to figure out the problem and not just ignoring it like many of us do.
For a 2017 Escape, you’ll have an OBD-II port since your car was manufactured after 1996 when equipping all vehicles with an On-Board Diagnostic system became the law of the land. The OBD system is an onboard computer system that monitors all vital car data, including emission levels and engine components. As you might have guessed, it’s also connected to your Check Engine light, along with other dashboard warning lights.
To scan your OBD system, you’ll need an OBD-II scanner to check your car’s OBD codes. All you have to do is just plug the scanner into the 16-pin connector to display potential OBD codes and any possible causes of your car troubles.