Unfortunately, you cannot purchase a 2022 Cadillac XT5 V4U Coachbuilder Limousine because they do not exist—not officially anyway. This is a matter that has caused quite a bit of confusion and you’d have to do a bit of research to uncover the facts. Here are the key points:
In 2020 rumors began circulating about GM’s project to develop a Cadillac XT5 V4U Coachbuilder Limousine model. Since then, there have been no updates of any kind. If GM still working on the project, they’re being very hush-hush about it.
The theoretical V4U would seem to be a replacement for the discontinued XTS coachbuilder line that reached the end of its intended lifespan after the 2019 version was released—the XTS coach builder is the model that has often been stretched to “limo-lengths.”
Even if the V4U was released, however—or if the XTS Coachbuilder was still in production—you wouldn’t be able to simply purchase one. Those vehicles had to be crafted by GM-certified third-party specialist companies—-these companies are known as Coachbuilders—which is why the models designed for them to work on are named as they are.
Sorry if that’s a disappointment. Hopefully, soon we’ll get some more news about the V4U projects and whether or not GM is still planning on releasing the Cadillac XT5 V4U Coachbuilder Limousine one day.
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