“It’s a terrifying situation to be in; I think everyone might share this fear!
The good news is that, with the windows up, the cabin shouldn’t fill with water immediately. It gives you some time to act. At this point, take a deep breath. It will calm you down enough to think more clearly, and you’ll need that breath to swim to the surface.
The first step is to take your seat belt off.
If the electronics are still working, even power windows should go down. The sooner you roll down the window, the better. Water pressure will quickly make it hard to lower windows the farther down the car sinks, which also means you have further to swim to reach the surface.
If the windows are not operating, cover your arm with cloth and break the window with your elbow or another sharp object. Stores sell tools to break a window for this exact situation.
Above all, make sure that you remain as calm as possible. Panicking will only make the situation worse and use up the breath you are storing quicker.
If you’re worried about this situation, make sure to have medical payments
on your car insurance to cover any injuries you might sustain. If you want help navigating the different types of insurance policies, try using the Jerry
app. Jerry compares rates from the top providers and gives you the best deals in minutes for free.”