“Weather conditions like ice, snow, and fog are definitely dangerous, but the most fatal weather condition in the United States is actually rain.
Rain makes the roads slick and impedes visibility, both of which raise the chances of an accident. Since rain isn’t commonly thought of as being particularly dangerous, people don’t tend to take the same precautions that they might in, say, icy conditions.
To avoid getting in an accident, be sure to follow safe driving practices
and always remain alert. Be extra cautious with things like lane changes, merging, and quick turning. If you do start to hydroplane, stay calm. Remove your foot from the accelerator and turn your wheel in the direction you are sliding. Don’t slam on your brakes. If you need to slow down, pump your brakes lightly.
Even when you take precautions, there is always the possibility something may go wrong. Luckily, the Jerry
app is here to help you find the best car insurance policy for you. Jerry will collect insurance quotes from top companies for free and without any effort from you. That way, you’ll be sure that you’re protected even if rain is in the forecast.”