Of course, no two engines (not even 5.7 Hemis!) are alike—so if you’re not sold on Mopar’s prices, you can still look for an alternative that suits your driving needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best oil filter:
*The type of driving you do**. Do you tend to travel in your truck for long distances, or are you a city driver? How often do you take it off-roading, if at all? Answering these questions can help you determine whether you need a premium or high-performance oil filter, or if you can opt for something more standard.
*The type of oil you use*. Not all oil filters are compatible with every oil type—finding the right combination can improve the performance of your engine and the longevity of your filter.
**Size and Capture Efficiency*. Bigger doesn’t always mean better–-you want an oil filter that first and foremost fits your engine, and also is efficient at filtering dirt and dust particles from your oil.
**Design**. The overall integrity of an oil filter’s design and materials can play an important role in how well it performs in your vehicle (which is why Dodge recommends quality brands like Mopar).