“First off, before you get a car loan, you should ensure that you understand how your loan payment will fit into your overall budget. If you don’t have a budget, now is a good time to establish one. In addition to your car loan payment, consider your rent or mortgage, your credit card bills, commuting costs, and other expenses, as well as your sources of income. Having a clear picture of your income and expenses means you’ll be able to manage your limited resources more efficiently.
Once you have ensured that your budget enables you to take on an auto loan, make sure to prioritize your monthly payment. Pay it in full and on time. A great way to make this easier is to allow the lender to withdraw your payment from your checking account. You will probably have some flexibility as to the date they pull the payment each month, so the withdrawal will coincide with your regular payday. You can also set up recurring payments through your bank so the lender gets their money on time and you don’t need to think about it.
If you have made a few payments and you are no longer comfortable with the original terms of your loan, you can try refinancing it. Many financial institutions offer refinancing on car loans with better rates and, possibly, more flexible terms. It’s worth looking into, especially if interest rates have fallen or your credit has improved.”