I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a problem with rodents in your engine. Typically, Irish Spring is a good substance to repel rodents. However, you would need to grate two or three bars and place the shavings around the area you want to keep pests away from.
If you had a garage, the above could be helpful, but as you do not, you should try any of the following tips to keep mice and rodents out of your engine:
Place traps on your wheels when you park
Block the openings to your engine with a wire screen material—make sure that it is heat resistant
Spray a mixture of peppermint oil and water or Pine-Sol and water around your engine and tires to keep rodents away
Drive your car at least once a day
Use one or any combination of these tips to keep rodents away from your vehicle. Once the little pests have gone, it might be the perfect time to celebrate by checking out the Jerry
app and saving hundreds of dollars on your car insurance
premium. Once you download Jerry, just answer a handful of questions that will take you roughly 45 seconds to complete and you’ll immediately get car insurance quotes for coverage similar to your current plan. Jerry customers save an average of $887 a year.