“Most states consider it illegal to not update your driver’s license and address, even if you move around frequently. When you move, it is essential to change:
the address on your license.
the registration of your car.
The first step will be to contact your insurance company and update your address. Since every state has different rates and coverage requirements, the policy needs to be rated for the correct state to ensure that you have adequate coverage.
One benefit of keeping your policy up to date is that, depending on where you move, there is a chance your premium will decrease!
Once your insurance policy is updated, you can take the ID card to the DMV and change your vehicle’s registration and your driver’s license.
An extra trip to the DMV is a lot of work, but updating this information comes with benefits. Some states charge property taxes on your vehicle. If you don’t change the registration, you could be stuck paying extra taxes for no reason. By updating your license, you are also updating your polling location when voting in local or national elections.
Big life changes like moving are the perfect time to re-evaluate your insurance provider and shop around for cheaper car insurance
. Try shopping online using the Jerry
app. Jerry compares rates from the top providers and brings the lowest available rates right to the app on your phone, all for free.”