Congratulations on being ready to apply for your learner’s permit—this is a huge milestone! A typical driving permit in New Jersey costs just $10, although there are some variations.
In New Jersey, there are two types of learners permits for individuals learning to drive automobiles. Both cost just $10:
A student learner’s permit is available to anyone who is at least sixteen years old and enrolled in an approved behind-the-wheel driver training course
*An *examination permit** is available to anyone who is at least seventeen years old, regardless of whether or not you’re enrolled in driving school
You may also need to apply for a permit if you’re learning to drive a motorcycle, moped, agricultural equipment, or a commercial vehicle. Most of these permits cost $10 or less, with the exception of a commercial permit, which requires a $125 fee.
Once you learn to drive, you’ll want to make sure the vehicle you’re using is covered with great car insurance. Number one car insurance broker app Jerry
can help you save a ton on your car insurance policy. Simply download the app, answer some easy questions, and wait mere seconds for customized quotes. Good luck learning to drive! You’ll be out on the road in no time.