We’re sorry to hear that you have an infraction on your driving record—and glad to hear you’re working to improve your record. And, unfortunately, you’re right, a serious infraction on your record like negligent driving will usually mean higher insurance rates.
Unlike a DUI, negligent driving doesn’t stay on your record forever—but there are steps you need to take to have it removed.
You first need to meet all the conditions of your charge, whether they be community service, paying fines, or completing jail time. Only after these conditions are met will you have the possibility of removing negligent driving from your record. The sooner these conditions are met, the sooner your record might be cleared.
The timeline for having your record cleared of your negligent driving infraction will depend on your state since states set the driving laws. Ultimately, you’ll need to have a judge approve having the infraction removed from your record.
If you’re concerned about your car insurance
rates, Jerry
is your best bet. We help you find cheap car insurance
policies at the snap of the finger—and we can link you up with insurance carriers that specialize in insuring high-risk drivers (or drivers with bad records).