While video games and movies might have you thinking otherwise, street racing is simply not a good idea. Reckless driving stays on your record in Tennessee for five years.
Moreover, reckless driving in Tennessee
is a Class B misdemeanor that can result in: Up to six months in prison
On top of these penalties, Tennessee issues seven points on your license for a reckless driving charge. If you get more than 12 points in a 12-month period, your license is automatically suspended.
Because of the severity of these penalties, you may want to hire a lawyer to plead the charges down to a lesser offense.
Undoubtedly, your car insurance rates will rise as a result of your reckless driving charge. But don’t just pay the premium offered to you by your current insurance company. Instead, use the Jerry
app to comparison shop quickly and easily. Jerry is a licensed insurance broker that will collect quotes from over 50 top-rated insurers in minutes. After you find a great rate, Jerry can help you buy new insurance and cancel your old policy. Users save an average of $887 per year.