“Chipping your paint or windshield is a common concern when using your vehicle for offroading. To protect your car paint from rocks, there are two popular options.
One is applying a ceramic film, like GlassCoat, to your car to protect the paint. A ceramic film is more durable than traditional wax and can provide additional protection.
You can also purchase something called a car bra. While it sounds silly, it’s a type of vinyl cover that can help protect the exterior of your vehicle. Unlike a ceramic film, you can take it on and off as needed.
Protecting your windshield can be a bit more challenging, but there are some things you can use. Several companies make nanoceramic films that go over your windshield. These can help reduce the likelihood of a rock chipping or cracking it.
Another option is a windshield repair kit. You can keep one on hand to repair any chips before they turn into larger cracks.
If the rocks still manage to chip the paint or your windshield, make sure you have the proper car insurance
. Adding comprehensive
with full glass coverage and collision coverage
can protect your windshield and vehicle from many different types of damage. If you don’t currently have comprehensive and collision coverage on your policy, reach out to your insurance provider or use the Jerry
app. Jerry is a licensed broker that gathers personalized quotes from the top providers and delivers the best deals to your phone in minutes for free.”