Sorry to hear about your fender bender.
There are certainly ways to handle a car accident without going through insurance, but you’re going to want to keep very clear documentation of the incident. Take pictures of the damage and record all pertinent information, like license plates and ID numbers.
Don’t agree to anything verbally, and draft a document that you and the other party can both sign. It’s very important to have a paper trail of any agreements. It’s also a good idea to get a police report to add to your paperwork.
However, it may be in your best interest to go through insurance. Without filing a report or a claim the other person could do a couple of things that would make everything so much worse.
Let’s say you and the other party decided to handle this yourself. You don’t involve the police and you decide to pay for the accident in cash and go your separate ways. Well, the other person can take your cash and then file a claim to collect money twice. Your insurance might wonder why you didn’t file a claim.
They could also turn around and say you were the one at fault, and with no other paperwork on file it could turn into a hit and run. This could result not just in losing more money but also potentially jail time.
So, while it’s possible to not file a claim with insurance, proceed with caution.
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