Your driving record is one of those documents that you don’t think about until you need it, so you’re definitely not alone in not knowing how to obtain it. Thankfully, your state makes the process easy!
You can get your driving record in Michigan from the Michigan Department of State. One way is to go online to and search driving record request. You have to be a registered user to request your record this way, but setting up an account is free.
Another is to simply visit a secretary of state office. Just bring your driver’s license and $12, and walk out with a copy of your driving record.
If, for whatever reason, neither of those options is doable, you can also request your driving record by mail. You’ll need to complete a Record Lookup Request and mail it along with your driver’s license number, full name, and date of birth to Michigan Department of State Record Sales Section, 7064 Crowner Drive, Lansing, MI 48918-1502.
Bear in mind that if you go this route, it could take two to six weeks for you to receive your record, so get it going sooner rather than later!
Accessing your driving record
is also helpful if you’re shopping for car insurance
, since it’s what insurance companies look at the most when figuring out your rates. But no matter what your driving record looks like, Jerry
, the car insurance brokerage app, can help you find affordable coverage and save an average of $887 per year.