Since you’re unhappy with your current insurance policy, think about what coverages you would like to change. While there are standard coverages and exclusions in home insurance, not every insurance company offers exactly the same thing. For example, a company might offer coverage like equipment breakdown as standard coverage, while others may only offer it as an add-on, optional coverage, or not at all.
If your home insurance’s cost is the main reason you’re unhappy, you’ll want to shop around with various insurance companies. Requesting quotes from multiple companies ensures you’re getting the best rate for the coverage you need.
Once you decide on a new policy, you’ll want to set the effective date to the same day your current policy ends. You’ll also want to inform your current insurer that you aren’t renewing your policy. If you have autopay, consider canceling it before your policy renews to ensure you won’t get charged. Finally, be sure to inform your mortgage lender of any changes to your home insurance if they require you to carry insurance.