It can be so frustrating when this happens, especially when you’re in a hurry! It might not sound like much fun, but the solution to keeping car windows from fogging up while driving is to blast your car with air that’s closer to the temperature outside the vehicle.
That means on a cold morning—sorry—but you need to crank your air conditioner for a few minutes. That should dry up the air and any fog on your windows. And on a hot day? Yep, go ahead and turn on that heater.
If it’s just too cold to turn on the air conditioner, try turning your defroster on high heat and full power for several minutes. Then, turn off your recirculating air button and turn on your heater. That way, your car will be pulling in dry air from outside, which will help cut down on the humidity inside the car.
The reason your windows are fogging up while you’re driving is that the humidity outside your car is different from the humidity inside. On a cold day, the air outside your car is drier than the air inside. Your body heat and the warmth from the heater create humidity inside your car, which causes fog to form on the inside of your windows.
On a steamy hot morning, the air outside your car is more humid than the air inside, so fog forms on the outside of your windows. But hopefully, the tips above will help you combat the issue!
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