Don’t worry about not picking it up right away! Driving is one of the most difficult things you have to learn, and anyone who says otherwise is lying. There’s a lot that every driver has to consider, and not everyone learns at the same pace.
But if you’re hoping to improve, consider what it is specifically that you’re having trouble with. Are you forgetting who has the right of way at a four-way stop? Do you panic at the idea of getting on the highway? Or do you have overall anxiety that causes you to panic and constantly second-guess yourself?
Unfortunately, there’s no cure that works better than practice. Practice as often as you can, in a parking lot or other empty region, with a parent or trusted (and licensed) adult over 25, or a professional instructor if you can. Or even consider changing how you learn.
Some people learn by watching, others by doing. If one method isn’t working, change it up! Try out something different and be open to new methods.
And if you’re worried about potentially damaging your car, have your parents make sure their collision insurance
is up to the task. With Jerry
, finding great collision insurance is a snap! Plus they could save an average of $887 to use towards those extra driving lessons.