on your credit report, call your original lender. Sometimes, this delinquency on your credit report is simply the result of a clerical error. In other cases, you may just have forgotten a tiny bit of interest (especially if you didn’t ask for a payoff letter), which you can pay off as necessary.
If your lender still maintains that you owe them money unjustly, you should make your dispute to whichever credit bureau has your account listed as delinquent. This will be one (or more) of the following:
Make sure to take a look at each one of these reports to ensure you don’t have multiple errors on your credit. Once you’ve found the errors, you can dispute the account by using the online form at each one of these companies’ websites.
If your dispute is denied, you will have to pay off the remaining balance of your original car loan so it doesn’t hurt your credit report. To save some extra cash if you need it, glance over your current car insurance policy and compare rates on the
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