You’ll be relieved when you find out how easy it is to get a Bluetooth connection in this car! You can connect to Bluetooth in a 2016 Honda Civic
using the ”Settings” menu. First, make sure that Bluetooth is activated on your phone. Then, go into the “Settings” menu on your infotainment touchscreen and select “Phone,” and choose Bluetooth device list. Press “Add Bluetooth Device” followed by “Continue.”
Select your phone when it appears as an option on the device list. If you don’t see it, press “Phone Not Found.” You can also sync the 2016 Civic to your phone by pulling up the pairing list on your phone’s Bluetooth menu and looking for an option that says HandsFreeLink, which is the Civic.
If a PIN appears on your phone screen, make sure it matches the PIN on the infotainment display screen, then press “Pair.” After that, your phone will be recognized by the Civic every time you enter it!