It can be hard to tell if your car is low on freon without checking under the hood. But there are a few **telltale signs that your freon levels are running low. Here are the most common things to keep an eye out for:
Warm air from the A/C unit can mean that you don’t have enough freon to cool off the air.
Leaking in or under the vehicle is a common occurrence that could mean almost anything is leaking. But if the liquid looks like a thin grease, then it may be freon.
Ice on or around your compressor usually means that your freon is low and your compressor is pushing moisture through your vents.
While these warning signs can mean you’re low on freon, they could also indicate a more serious problem in your vehicle. Leaking fluids could be anything from gas, to freon, to oil. If you find a leak, you should get your car checked out.
Warm air could mean that your freon is low, but it could also mean you have an issue with your A/C unit. Taking your car to the repair shop is an easy way to see if your car is low on freon and help you find out exactly what’s wrong.
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