Car seats can be very pricey, but you can often find them for free. Depending on your community, you may have a few different options.
Start by checking with a local WIC program (Women, Infants, and Children). WIC is a federally funded program that specializes in providing healthy nutrition to babies and mothers. Luckily, some branches also have a free car seat program.
If they don’t have what you need, you can always check with:
Local police and fire departments. They’ll often have free car seat giveaways and proper car seat installation training.
Local churches or community organizations. Many will offer car seat assistance for people in the neighborhood.
Your online community. Lots of mother and child groups do their best to provide their communities with car seats.
While it may be tempting to buy a cheap pre-owned car seat or a hand-me-down, do so with extreme caution. Aside from the expiration dates, car seats that have been in accidents may have internal damage.
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