We’re so sorry to hear about your mother and the water damage. Renters insurance does not usually cover damage due to tenant negligence, unfortunately.
The owner of the building hopefully has a policy that will help cover some of the structural repair costs. But when it comes to personal property loss and loss of use, your mother has limited recourse. Negligence is excluded from virtually all renters policies.
Her renters policy may provide her with some liability protection, however. If the water damage spreads to other units, it’s possible that other tenants and the landlord may file a suit to cover the extensive repair costs. This means that your mother may be entitled to get help from her insurance company with legal costs.
This is tough—your mother is lucky to have your help.
If you have any questions about renters insurance
or navigating this process, please reach out to Jerry
. Our friendly agents can be reached via text or phone. We’re real people who know what it means to deal with loss, and we’d be happy to help you through this difficult situation.