Drivers who buy cars with a lien will often be required to purchase additional insurance by the lienholder on top of the state minimum. Lienholders will often require coverage that protects the vehicle in order to keep the car safe. Remember, until you pay off your lien, your lienholder has a legal and financial interest in your car. As such, they want it to be protected—and have the power to enforce it however they see fit.
Luckily, there are still a few ways to keep your rates at bay while having a lien on your car:
Once you’ve paid off the lien, you may drop some or all of the extra coverage required by your lienholder. This means that, on average, driving a car with a lien will cost you more in insurance than driving a car without a lien. However, it also means that you can remove the lien from your title and lower your insurance costs once you pay off your car!