“If your credit score is good, the next thing the lender will look at is your debt-to-income ratio on a monthly basis.
This compares how much you make a month (in this case, $4,333) to your monthly debt payments.
Let’s say you have to pay $500 a month toward student loans and your car loan is $500 a month. Add in rent for about $1,000, and you’re at $2,000.
To get approved, you usually have to have a debt-to-income ratio of 43% or less. In this case, your rate would be 46%, which means you probably wouldn’t qualify.
Add in the cost of full-coverage car insurance
and you’re looking at another couple hundred. The best thing you can do is save money and pay cash for a cheap car. In the meantime, pay down your student debt. In a few years, you can treat yourself to a nicer car that’s within your budget.”